Woodworking at Stockade 7284, Pennridge Christian Fellowship, PA.
Rangers Warren and Frank shared about their meetings in which they are using woodworking in a room set up with their machines. About one boy, “He knew how to do it before he started and we had to show him several times how to do it right and then it became too late to finish, but there’s always next week.” “I’m a woodworker and I can come up with something they can learn. We have made puzzles, using a scroll saw. The lesson integrated into this, how life can seem like a puzzle, but God has the full picture. As a puzzle is put together we can see what it’s about, and life becomes like that, we can see how our life experiences have fit together into who we are and how God is working to bring us to complete His will in our lives. With adult help, third graders are capable of one level of work while sixth graders can do more. We tell the boys that they have been given great opportunities to learn woodworking at their age.”
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