Done.. Here you go.. For Battalion aged boys, it’s a 3-4 week (4 week is ideal) robot build & code workshop that I’ve been teaching for like 10yrs now. The robot is built our of foam board and hot glue, and uses around $40-50 in parts from amazon (cheaper if you order in bulk from China)..
and all my code and classroom handouts are Creative Commons (non-commercial open source):
I used the “build and code” portions of this project in place of the “computer badge” for our Battalion boys:
Though I don’t recommend the full build-and-code project for Jr high and younger. It’s all done in Arduino C++ and is too typo-prone to do with younger kids. However, if you have the older boys do the build and coding, then you can re-use the bots to run the “Martian Laser Bot” mission at the end and Stockade kids will eat that up. Pics of the younger “Mission to Mars” activity here:
Let me know if you have any questions.. I think the “build” project (4 weeks) would be a great “Robotics” badge addition for the Battalion boys.. and the “Martian Mission” would be a fun 1 week activity for Stockade.