Weekly Communication to Your Unit
Alex sends a Sunday eve. email to the leaders, boys and parents in the CSB 8034 Battalion. It;s very simple, just giving the subject and plan for this week’s meeting. And he shows what responsibilities are assigned.
Our next meeting will be this Wednesday 10/26 at 6:15pm at Stillwaters.
This week we will be continuing our Astronomy mission. It was really great to see a couple of planets last week!
Responsibilities for October 26:
Mission activity: Astronomy (Capt. Alex with Mr. Genov assisting)
Squad meeting: Cpl Grant and Cpl Will
Games: Cpl Will
Council Ring: Lt. Jimmy (Council Ring #3)Prayer Requests and Upcoming Events
Please let us know if you have any prayer requests
Captain Alex
I am so glad to be included on this email every week, and I am sure the leaders and parents are as well. What I appreciate is the consistency of this method of communciation to those who are or would be involved. When members can count on these reminders, they are assure that the plans made are carried out.
AND the boys are responding! With this kind of messaging, no matter how it’s delivered, the boys are reminded in what may be a chaotic week, that there is the stability of a Battalion meeting on Wednesday pm. Knowing this, makes a difference, and they are coming out.
Can anyone else attest to this manner of consitent messaging?
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