Growth and Mens engagement

  • Growth and Mens engagement

    Posted by Bradley Schmitt on September 13, 2023 at 11:11 pm

    Prayer request-

    That God would lead men in our church to invest relationally and financially into our CSB unit to grow these men and allow us to transform and grow the group. Tonight was amazing. We had our first night opening up adventure trails and some great physical challenges (log carry, team long jump, scripture memory.)

    This is my 9th year leading, and first year digging into the material. Im realizing I need to find a better job to fund this crazy obsession I have with the boys. I would drop everything and do it full-time if I could.

    Dave Cameron replied 1 year, 5 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Arden Musselman

    September 15, 2023 at 1:44 pm

    Great to hear about the first meeting of the new Battalion year and Fall season. Like to hear that your unit is starting to open up their Adventure Trails for achieving as young men and disciples of Jesus. Encourage this in a positive way as evidence that they are growing in physical, mental, social and spiritual ways.

    I do pray that men in Blacksburg Christian Fellowship will respond to become steady and faithful mentors to the young men as they advance through these achievement check-ups and the ranks. Let us know how it begins and how it continues.

    Let us know how it goes with the Battalion Small Engines Mission!

  • Dave Cameron

    September 17, 2023 at 12:43 pm

    Will be praying for this year using the materials from CSB. One of the precious moments I remember was walking through the hallways at church and looking in the classrooms observing the leader giving the young men a message from the leadership books. The boys were so attentive. I asked one father/leader if he would like to be involved leading a class and he said yes. The following week he tried to give the class.

    I could see that he was reading directly from the book and the boys were less focused. I asked him to study the message before giving it so he could look at the boys while giving the lesson. The following week he told me it was like night and day. When the young men see that you have the lesson memorized, you are able to make eye to eye contact. The books are filled with godly messages.

    When boys learn from these messages, the parents will see what they are learning through their actions at home. When this happens, others will be interested in becoming part of this ministry. I have seen this over the years where mothers have come to me thanking the church for having this ministry available for their boys to learn more about Jesus.

    Last month I received a call from two of the boys that achieved the Herald of Christ. They were calling to invite me out for dinner. It was a blessed time. We talked about their schooling and also memories of being in Brigade. One of the things they both remembered was a lesson where three boys were blind folded and given instructions to put up a tent under the direction of someone who could see. Well we got a lot of laughs out of watching the three boys trying to put the tent up. Along with that were the many lessons they learned from dedicated leaders who were there for them every week. They remembered the commitment of each man. We might not see this until years later but my point is focus on what the Lord is having you do right now. Know that the men that are there right now are the men the Lord has given to Blacksburg. Each one of these leaders is precious and I know Blacksburg is going to grow in wisdom and strength. You are in my prayers each and everyone of you. Be prepared and share that wisdom with the boys that the Lord has placed in your class. One day you will look back and be thankful for the opportunity to be in this ministry. I did.

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