Alan Ashley received the Herald of Christ for Men award on May 25 at Fredericktowne Baptist Church in Maryland. He has been working on the 6 steps of this internship for several years. They are very similar in content to those for young men*. He told how the projects, especially those of dedicated reading of the Bible books and journaling on them was an exciting time for his growth and development.
Watch this 2 minute conclusion to his remarks.
Alan used his remarks to show the 8 boys and their family members, with the illus. of dominoes, how different people had influenced him in life. Each of these had a positive effect. Alan hopes that his example of achievement as an adult will be a seed to help young boys know that in Stockade they can learn to achieve spiritual and other important growth markers in their lives
*Anyone over the age of 19 can work toward the Herald of Christ for Men. Ask your Regional Director.
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