Frequently Asked Questions

Unit Registration and Renewal

  • Should I Renew or Register?

    Renew if: you’ve already registered here on brigade Leader. All your previous year's information will be carried through.

    Register if: your Unit has never been registered here on Brigade Leader, EVEN IF YOU’VE BEEN A UNIT FOR DECADES, register here so your unit and all it’s information will be saved in our system for easy future renewal.

  • How much does it cost?

    The cost is the same to register for the first time or to renew your unit membership. We have tiered pricing based on the number of leaders you have in your unit. 

    When Registering:

    • Select the "unit size" drop-down with the number of leaders you aticipate in your unit
    • On the next page you will see the pricing based on the tier chosen

    When Renewing: 

    • If you are renewing you will be automatically given the same tier you had last year. 
    • If you need to decrease or increase the tier please register and then let us know you need to change and we will make the change on the backend for you and will refund or charge the difference depending on your need.
  • Unit Registrar? Who has permission to renew my unit?

    The “Unit Registrar” is the only member of your unit who can renew the unit. This is usually the person who did the original unit registration.

    You can find out who the Unit registrar is by entering your unit number in the serch box at the bottom of the renew section. If you don't recognize the results, the Unit Registrar is often the Unit Chairman, or a key leader, or a church staff person.

    Questions or issues? Email or call (716) 526-0026

  • What Info Do I need on hand to Renew?
    1. Only the person who registered your unit (the “owner”) can renew. If that person has changed or you don’t know who that is, just send us a quick email or call us and we’ll get it fixed right away
    2. You’ll want your credit card handy
    3. Church and Chairman info will be auto-populated from last time, but please review for accuracy.
    4. Please review the Leaders who had access to your unit last year. Some likely changed so have a list of leaders handy including their email addresses. 
  • What info do I need to have on hand to Register?
    1. You’ll want your credit card handy
    2. Have your Church and Chairman info at hand.
    3. Have your list of leaders handy  including their email address so you can invite them to join the unit here on Brigade Leader. 
    4. The person registering will be the “owner” of the unit. You can add “Managers” to help you manage who is added and deleted from your unit, but only the owner will be able to renew the unit.
    5. The unit “owner” can be changed by CSB staff.
  • Who is a “Leader?”
    • Men who commit to active participation in weekly meetings on a regular basis
    • Men who accept the role and title provided by CSB, such as Chairman, Captain, Chief Ranger, Tree Climber Coordinator, Ranger, Lieutenant, from brand new to fully Certified Leader 

    Who is NOT a CSB “Leader?”

    • Dads who join with their sons in Tree Climbers, unless they will be accessing Brigade Leader content
    • High school young men who assist as Junior Leaders, unless they will be accessing Brigade Leader content
    • Men asked to come and share their hobby at a meeting or two 

Managing My Unit

  • Unit Registrar and Unit Manager? What’s the difference and what do they do?

    Access Unit Registrar and Manager tools from the Unit Dashboard. Login to your account, navigate to your profile, Select "Unit Management" then "Unit"


    Note: A Unit can only have one Unit Registrar. 

    1. This role is responsible for registering or renewing the Unit registration each year.
    2. Can invite, add or delete Unit members
    3. Can assign members the role of "Unit Manager"
    4. Can update Unit information such as chairman and church inforrmation for the Unit.


    The Unit Registrar can add numerous Unit Managers. 

    The Unit Manager is simply responsible for adding and removing members from the Unit.

  • Can I turn off auto renewal?

    Of course! If auto-renewal is not convenient for you follow these steps:

    From Your Unit Management Dashboard you will see a “Unit Settings” option.

    From here you will see a button that says “billing”

    On the biling page you should see an option to mamnage auto renewal

  • How do I access my Unit dashboard?

    IMPORTANT: You must be a Unit Registrar OR a Unit Manager to access the dashboard.

    “Unit Registrar” 

    First, it’s important to remember that there is one official “Unit Registrar” for your unit. This is usually the person that purchased the unit registration. This can be changed, just let us know who the new registrar for your unit needs to be.

    “Unit Managers” 

    You can select any of your unit members to help you manage your members by selcting them as “Unit Manager” in your Unit dashboard.

    [gallery ids="28145,28144,28143 "] 

    Visit Your Unit Dashboard:

    This is where you will access all the information about your unit and can update Unit details.

    To get to the dashboard sign in to your Brigade Leader User Account. 

    1. Click on your user profile. This is the image at the top right of Brigade Leader that represents you. If you haven’t updated it to yoru personalized profile picture this would be a great opportunityt o do that now!
    2. Go to the “Unit Management” option in the dropdown
    3. On your dashboard select the “Unit” link
    4. From there you will see options such as:
    • Members
    • Add member
    • Unit Settings
  • How do I change my Unit billing information including renewal and credit card information?

    From Your Unit Management Dashboard you will see a “Unit Settings” option.

    From here you will see a button that says "billing"

    From here you can 

    • Renew your Unit
    • Turn auto renewal on or off
    • Change the size unit you are registering

  • How do I add a new member to my unit?

    Step 1: Go to your Unit dashboard (there is a FAQ in this section that shows you haow to access yoru dashboard)

    Step 2: Select the “Add Member” option. There are two ways to invite a leader:

    1. Utilize the registration link. Copy the link and you can insert it whereever you need to such as into one of your own emails. When the recipient clicks on the link he will have the oportunity to join your Unit.
    2. “Add Member” is an easy way to just enter a leader’s email and send an inviotation directly to him.

    Unit Manager? As you invite a new member you can select whether he is just a regular member or a Unit Manager. A Unit Manager can help you by managing the membership of your unit.

    “Unit Registrar” “Unit manager” is different than the “Unit Registrar” who is the one person who has full control over your unit including billing and registration. See the FAQs for more information on this important role.

  • How do I view and manage Unit members and pending invitations?

    IMPORTANT: To manage yourr unit6 you must eitherr be the "Unit Registrar" (this person can renew the unit and manage members) or a "Unit Manager" who can add orr delete unit members. The Unit Registrar can add or remove the Unit Managers.

    While in the Unit Management section of your unit dashboard you will see an option for “Members”

    Once you select that you will see a number of tabs including “Members” and Pending Invitations.

    From here you can:

    • Change the status of a member from a simple meber to a “Unit Manager”
    • Remove a member
    • Resend an invitation
    • Cancel an invitation
  • Where do I change my Unit Church’s Information

    From Your Unit Management Dashboard you will see a "Unit Settings" option.

    From here you will see feilds where you can modify your unit's church information.

  • Where do I change my Unit’s Chairman Information

    From Your Unit Management Dashboard you will see a “Unit Settings” option.

    From here you will see feilds where you can modify your unit’s chairman information.

  • How do I change my Unit program info such as the programs we’re running and number of boys?

    From Your Unit Management Dashboard you will see a “Unit Settings” option.

    From here you will see options for changing the program and number of boys in your program.

Getting Help

  • If there’s a problem or question about the website how can I contact CSB?

    If there's a problem with the website or you have a question about how to use a feature you can use the FAQs OR you can contact us here:

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